Goodbye 2017 and Welcome 2018

goodby 2017 fireworks pic

Gosh, even saying 2018 almost feels space age to me at the tender young age of fifty-seven 😉

I’m sitting at my computer and wondering what could I share as we leave this year behind us, and it pops into my head like this:

–    Value the experiences, don’t judge them.

–    Draw out the wisdom gained.

–    Anchor that wisdom right here, right now.

–    Today is a new day filled with many possibilities.

–    Allow the past to cultivate richness and strength.

–    Move into the future with this knowledge and apply the wisdom.

Each year I choose a word sort of like an intention as to how I want my year to be. This year in 2017 I decided:

SIMPLICITY – to set clear boundaries that serve, love and support me, and to think, speak and act from my heart. To laugh and play a lot, and not take things too seriously.

Did I achieve it? Each time I began complicating my life I remembered my word, connected to my heart and immediately simplified it.  It’s amazing how easy that was to do.

Did I set clear boundaries? I’m getting better, laughing, and having a puppy the latter part of this year certainly helped. By training Maggie and creating her boundaries, surprisingly, it reinforced mine. We’re never alone in our pursuit to learn.

My word for 2018 is:

JOY – My happiness guides me and is the key to all my choices. When I’m happy I’m playful, creative, energised, a master manifestor, and passionate and this will naturally benefit others.

I’d love to read your word for 2018. Be brave my friends and write the word below in the comments. Writing something down with a loving intention creates a wave of magical energy to support you.

As 2017 closes I’ll be in meditation as I’ve done for many years.

I love to begin around ten minutes before the stroke of midnight. I then prepare and align with my heart, and soul, and higher mind and will continue into the new year for however long it flows.

Through my meditation, I expand my light and send healing to our world and especially Mother Earth. I’m also blessed to have received many divinely guided messages, which have supported the next stage of my journey. For this reason, I have next to me a pen and paper to write them down.

Maybe you could try it. If you like you can have a question ready, as you set your intention and align your energy, let go of expectations and meditate. Enjoy the bliss 😊

Well my friends, have an excellent rest of this year, feel the anticipation building and launch into 2018 with a grateful and loving heart.

Until next year,


Maria Lacey was born in Australia. She has travelled extensively overseas being led by visions, dreams and spiritual guidance.

Maria writes about life (the human and spiritual path), the adversity, learning, musings and triumphs. A successful entrepreneur with over 18 years in her own business, Maria humorously states, “I am my greatest case study.”

Maria is a qualified Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Teacher, Meditation Teacher, Healer, Channel and Speaker.

Maria is currently writing her second book about her spiritual travels overseas.

For further information about the author go to:

Maria’s first book –

By Maria Lacey

An award-winning author of One Path, Many Lights, a spiritual and personal memoir. Maria writes about life, the adversity, learnings, musings and triumphs. A therapist, healer, performance artist and speaker Maria humorously states, “I am my greatest case study.” For more information about Maria and her work visit her website at


  1. I have a sentence rather than a word. I saw it on a note pad at Kaiser Craft and knew I had to buy it.

    ‘Let every situation be what it is and not what you think it should be.’ I brought me peace over the busy Christmas period with family staying and everyone having different ideas and opinions. It has taught me not to try to control everything, or anything really. This brings me peace and joy and gives me a smile as I let go and allow things to be exactly as they are.

    Wishing you a joy filled, prosperous and peaceful new year!

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